

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

            “Zorro! Zorro no!”

            Zorro, the family dog, was being a spazz. The spring air left him playful, and he was soon found running in wild circles throughout the Hunter castle. Sandra escorted him downstairs. Zorro bounded around her as she walked, nearly tripping her. He was a large dog, and it was hazardous to have him barging to and fro.

            “Get outside, ya mutt,” Sandra said. She opened the front door, “Do your business. Romp around. Find something dead to roll in.”

            Without a moment’s hesitation, Zorro went charging out the door. He galloped off, his giant paws pattering across the ground. Sandra was alarmed to see him begin to leave the designated yard. He was charging for the woods. Sandra squinted, and caught a glimpse of a rabbit disappearing into the underbrush. Zorro was in hot pursuit.

            “No!” Sandra shouted, darting out the door after him, “Stay here! Stay! Bad dog!”

            In Sandra’s haste, she failed to close the door behind her. She ran after her rouge hound. The door swung a little in a soft breeze, but did not close. It remained ajar, perhaps unwisely. Sandra told herself she would return in a moment.

            Alek peeked out the door, eyes wide.


            The Village…

            “His name is D. Ceet??” Rayon exclaimed.

            Sara was leading Rayon through the village. She and Matthew had determined they would reconvene at a local restaurant. The Hunters had left Sandra home with the younger children.

            “You shouldn’t make assumptions just because of his name, dearest,” Sara cooed, slipping her left hand into Rayon’s right. Their fingers twined together. “You, of all people, know what it’s like to be judged because of a name.”

            Rayon sighed, “I guess you’re right.”

            “Besides, he didn’t strike me as a villainous type,” Sara continued, “He’s a man of knowledge and intelligence.”

            “Knowledge can be as dangerous as any knife.”

            “Oh, we’re here,” Sara said.

            Before them was a large building, with a red brick front. A massive sign hung above the door, depicting a bowl. A wooden spoon rested on the edge of the bowl. Cursive lettering spelled ‘Soup’ above both spoon and bowl.

            “Should I get some corn chowder?” Rayon asked, distracted immediately, “I haven’t had corn chowder in a long time.”


            Matthew arrived shortly after Rayon and Sara had been seated. A waiter lead him to their table. Upon seeing Matthew approach, Rayon instantly gave him the once-over. He eyed the man’s hair, glasses, style of clothing, build, and even his shoes. Sara watched Rayon overtop her menu.

            “He looks kind of dweebish,” Rayon whispered.

            “Rayon!” Sara scolded.

            They were sitting in a booth, with a bench on either side of their table. Rayon was on one side of the table, and Sara on the other. When he saw Matthew approach, though, Rayon stood abruptly. He stepped around the table. He sat down again beside Sara. She scooted over, her elbow brushing the wall.

            “Hello!” Matthew said warmly, “Sara the sorceress!”

            “Hello, Matthew,” Sara extended her hand, and she and Matthew shook hands. Rayon watched shiftily. “This is my husband, Rayon.”

            “Ahh, I’ve heard of you,” Matthew extended his hand to Rayon now, “The one man who brought down Michael Thom. I absolutely love your work, Mr. Hunter. You’re a huge hero.”

            His words seemed to calm Rayon a little. Rayon hesitantly shook hands with him. Matthew’s grip was firm and enthusiastic, which surprised Rayon. Sara gestured to the bench across from them.

            “Have a seat,” she said. Matthew sat. The waiter slipped a menu in front of him, and then bustled off again.

            “I’ve invited my girlfriend, Amber, to join us,” Matthew explained as he thumbed through the menu, “She recently moved to one of your villages.”

            “That’s fine,” Sara said.

            “I don’t get to see her very often, since I’m studying in the Magical Kingdom,” Matthew said, “It’s a long distance relationship. She wishes she could join me at University, but… she’s a full-time mother.”

            Rayon looked up slowly, “You have kids?”

            “No, no, no,” Matthew shook his head, “Amber’s husband died two years ago, leaving her with a toddler to raise. I saw her situation and decided to lend her a helping hand.”

            “That’s very kind of you,” Sara smiled, “Rayon and I have a toddler too, and he’s quite the handful.”

            The Woods…

            Alek had wandered into the great, green beyond that was the forest. He had thrown caution to the wind, and was now moving around based on what stone or log looked the most interesting. He would occasionally pause to turn over a rock, peering at the disgusting things that were crawling beneath. His curiosity was almost overwhelming.

            “Hello, Mr. Potato Bug,” Alek said. He dipped his hand in the mud, scooping out a tiny, black bug. It curled into a ball upon feeling his touch, protecting itself from any potential predators. Alek poked at it with his opposite hand, and it momentarily uncurled. Its many legs wriggled in thin air. Alek wasn’t detested by it at all, only fascinated.

            “Why do people call you a potato?” Alek asked the bug, “You’re too tiny to be a potato.”

            There was a noise to his left. Alek looked up. His lion tail flicked about behind him. Without dropping the bug, Alek turned on his heel and walked in the direction of the noise. Beyond the green leaves and blossoms, he could hear a soft voice. It was gentle, and soothing.

            Alek stepped up onto a tree stump. He parted the bushes gently. There was a small clearing just in front of him. Light sifted down through the leaves, pooling on the ground in abstract patterns. Violets were sprouting from the earth, their pedals facing the heavens in search of warmth. The violets, though, were the last thing Alek saw.

            A little girl stood in the clearing. The girl was his age- no more than three years old. Her eyes were grayish blue, depending on what angle a person looked at them. She was clothed in a flowing green tunic, which went down almost to her knees. A sash stretched across her waist. She wore a pair of matching green pants. Her feet were bare. Her blonde hair rippled down her head, long and silky. Two stands went in front of either of her ears. Her ears were, perhaps, the oddest thing about her. Both ears were pointed.

            She plucked a violet from the ground below, twirling it between her tiny fingers. Her soft voice echoed through the trees, “Mares e dotes an’ does e’ oats, and littl’ ambs e’ divy!”

            The girl spotted Alek. She stopped abruptly, startled at the sight of him. He was gaping.

            “Hi!” Alek exclaimed. He jumped down off the stump, landing in front of her. He held out his hand, producing the insect, “I found a bug!”

            “A bug?” the girl cried. She stepped forwards curiously, “Cool!”

            “If I poke him, he rolls up like a ball. Isn’t that neat?”

            “He thinks you’re going to eat him,” the girl said, “You don’t eat bugs, do you?”

            “I ate a worm once.”

            “Ewww!” the girl giggled, “I’m Eva. What’s your name?”

            “Alek!” Alek said, “Would you like to be my friend?”


            Alek spied her ears. He gestured, “You have pointy ears!”

            “I’m an elf,” Eva told him professionally, “My daddy has ears like these too,” she motioned to his backside, “You have a tail!”

            Alek waved his tail, “Hehe, do you like it? My daddy has a tail, just like how your daddy has ears!”

            “I haven’t seen my daddy in a long time,” said Eva, “Mommy told me he’s gone on a long trip. I miss him sometimes, but I know he’ll be back someday.”

            “I have an idea!” Alek said eagerly, “You can borrow my daddy!”

            Eva lit up, “Really?”

            “Sure!” Alek beckoned, “Follow me!”

            Eva followed Alek off into the woods.

            The Restaurant…

            The waiter had just brought them their food. Rayon had declined the corn chowder upon seeing Matthew order it, and had instead opted for the mystery dish. Sara had ordered the classic tomato soup. She was now tearing up a slice of bread to dip in it.

            “What do you think the mystery dish is, Rayon?” Matthew asked. Rayon whisked his spoon slowly around his soup.

            “I’m almost disappointed I don’t see any eyeballs floating in here.”

            “Matthew! Matthew!”

            Rayon, Sara, and Matthew all looked up. Into the restaurant rushed a woman. She was young, perhaps in her early twenties. Her hair was a reddish brown. Her green eyes shone with worry and anxiety. She wore a simple brown jumper, with a white tee-shirt beneath. She lifted her skirts daintily as she ran.

            “Amber!” Matthew greeted, “What’s wrong?”

            “Eva’s missing!” Amber lamented, “I turned my back for a minute and she wandered off! I think she went off into the forest! Hurry, we have to find her! What if she gets eaten by bears or something?”

             “Don’t worry, ma’am,” Rayon stood, “I can help.”

            The Woods…

            The ogres were a fearful race. The males were, on average, seven feet tall each. Their skin was a sickly green, and varied in color from brownish green to a light green. The ogre warriors all shaved their heads bald. Their pointed ears were misshapen. Each had tusks for teeth, which jabbed upwards frighteningly. They wore a mix of leather and metal armor. Their weapons clanged off their armor, rattling as they walked.

            A band of six ogres was creeping slowly through the woods. Their leader briefed his troops quickly on their mission, speaking in a hushed voice so that they wouldn’t draw attention to themselves.

            “Remember, men,” the lead ogre instructed, “We must be quick. Since Rayon and Sara are in the village, their spawn will be unprotected. We can break into the castle, take their spawn, and flee. Our employer will pay handsomely for them.”

            “Sir!” one of the ogres whispered, “I hear voices! Someone’s coming!”

            “Defensive positions!”

            The ogres fell from their ranks. They all ducked into the underbrush, disappearing behind trees and bushes. Their clothing and skin let them blend into the foliage without problem. The leader produced a mace, clenching it tightly in his gloved hand. They all tensed, watching the trees.

            “I know the castle was somewhere around here!”

            Alek and Eva abruptly stepped onto the scene. Eva was still twirling the flower between her fingertips. Alek had returned the bug to its home, however. The ogre leader looked up with interest upon seeing the two toddlers. Neither noticed the impending doom.

            “Sir,” one of the ogres whispered, “The male spawn is a Hunter. The female, though, might be Elfish.”

            “Eh, close enough,” the ogre pointed, “Get them.”

            The ogres all leapt from their hiding places. They lunged out of nowhere. Alek and Eva stopped abruptly, both chorusing a high-pitched squeal. The ogres unsheathed weapons, ranging from the basic broadswords, to some battleaxes, to a mace. They all loomed, starting for the children.

            “Come here, you,” growled the leader. He lifted his mace threateningly, “Or else.”

            “Ogres,” Alek said, “My daddy fights ogres.”

            “Yes, child,” the leader stooped, to be at eye level with the toddler, “Your daddy is a foolish man. And we’re going to prove it.”

            Alek made a sour face, “No!”


            Alek stepped bravely in front of Eva. He glared at the ogres, “Don’t make me hit you!”

            There was a brief moment of silence. All of the ogres stared blankly at him. Alek glared up at them defiantly, completely ignorant to his small size. Eva was gaping at the sight, terrified by the massive ogres and their weapons. Alek took a deep breath, preparing to roar. He puffed himself up.

            All at once, the ogres descended into hysterical laughter. They hooted and jeered, doubling over as they guffawed. They pointed fingers at Alek mockingly, laughing the whole while. Their amusement showed no end. Alek squinted angrily. Eva remained terrified.

            “You are so tiny!” one of the ogres cried finally, “You’re just a spawnling! You couldn’t hurt a mouse, let alone ogres so powerful as us!”

            “He couldn’t hurt a mouse?!” one of the other ogres chimed in, elbowing his comrade, “I guess that means he’s a bad hunter!”

            The laughter began to crescendo again. Alek looked about him, his cheeks and ears flushing a bright red. He clenched his fists.

            Alek abruptly charged forwards. He let out an unearthly screech, which punctured everyone’s eardrums like a knife. With that, Alek leapt on one of the ogres. He latched onto the ogre’s head, beginning to bite and hit his bald forehead. The ogre let out a cry of pain, staggering around. In his confusion and alarm, he dropped his battleaxe.

            “Get it off! Get it off!” the ogre shouted.

            “Hold on, hold on, I got him!” another ogre exclaimed, raising his mace. Alek leapt to the side just in time, and the mace crashed down on the ogre’s head. The ogre was slammed onto the ground.


            “Eva!” Alek shouted, dodging between an ogre’s legs. The ogre grabbed for him, but missed. “Run!”

            Alek and Eva took off down the path. They scampered away, running as fast as their tiny feet could carry them. The ogres bumbled around as their leader screeched at them. Two ogres collided abruptly. The one who had been hit by the mace wasn’t getting up.

            “Get moving, you thick-headed slugs!” roared the leader, “Do you have any idea how bad we’ll look if we can’t catch two spawnlings?!”

            The ogres bumbled after them.

            The Village…

            Rayon, Sara, Matthew, and Amber were leaving the village. They abruptly encountered Sandra, who had just been entering. There was a sudden reunion between the Hunters.

            “Sandra!” Sara exclaimed, “What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be with Alek and Melody!”

            “I was, but then Zorro escaped out the door and I had to chase him down, and then I came back and found Alek had done the same, and theeeeen a scout showed up, and said ogres had been seen in the area,” Sandra explained rapidly, flapping her hands about as she spoke, “So I figured I should come find you.”

            “Ogres?!” chorused three parents.

            “I’ve had nightmares like this,” Rayon said. Without so much as another word, Rayon charged away. His small entourage followed, but he put on impressive speed and disappeared into the forest.

            “How do you expect to find them!?” cried Amber, “The woods are huge!”

            “Trust me,” Sara reassured, “If anyone can find them, it’s Rayon.”

            The Forest…

            Alek and Eva skidded to an abrupt stop. They found themselves facing a large bolder, with a sheer stone face. It seemed even larger to them than it would’ve been to a grown up. Their attention was only on it for so long, however.

            The sound of combat boots filled the air, and the ogres came charging after them. Both children whirled with fear, eyes wide at the sight of the five ogres. When the ogres saw that the children had stopped, they quickly fanned out in a semi circle. The leader practically shoved his comrades into place.

            “We have you now,” the leader growled.

            Alek stepped in front of Eva. Eva grabbed his shoulder, whispering, “Careful!”

            “It’s okay,” Alek reassured, “My daddy does this all the time. All he has to do is roar, and the ogres run. I’m a lion too! I can roar!”

            “You are too little to roar,” the ogre leader scoffed, “The most you can do is screech like a girl.”

            “Oh really?” Alek demanded. He puffed himself up again, taking in a deep gulp of air. The ogres all watched expectantly. Eva beheld with wide eyes.

            A booming roar shook the forest, rumbling through the trees and dirt. The roar lifted in volume, sweeping everyone up with its massive power. The roar made the ogres seize up with fear. Their eyes widened. Eva jumped.

            The roar hadn’t come from Alek. This was proven the moment Rayon lunged over the edge of the boulder. He landed between the children and the ogres, his fists raised. Rayon pulled himself to his full height, swinging his fists at the empty air. He glowered at the ogres.

            “Did the border move suddenly, or are you in my territory?” Rayon asked between clenched teeth.

            “Hand over the kids, weakling,” the ogre leader snapped, perhaps unwisely, “Or we’ll bash your skull in.”

            “Weakling?” Rayon asked, “I guess you’ve never looked in a mirror.”

            The ogre attacked. He gripped his mace with both hands. He brought it down with a wild yell, using his full strength. Rayon lifted his left arm. The mace and arm met with a solid clang, ringing in everyone’s ears. The moment the mace had been blocked, Rayon fought back.

            Rayon’s right fist connected soundly with the ogre’s jaw. The force threw the ogre backwards. He landed, hard, on his back. His mace landed beside him with a clatter. Rayon rubbed his fist, looking at the other ogres.

            “Next,” he said.

            The ogres attacked in a mass. Rayon leapt into action, beginning to take each out with his master skills. Alek and Eva watched from the sidelines, eyes wide. Alek was cheering. Eva remained silent, boggling.

            Sara and Amber arrived on the scene. Both mothers ran to their children. Sara swept Alek up, and Amber, Eva. Sandra had been sent to the castle, because they all knew Melody’s nap time would soon be over.

            Matthew was the last one to arrive, having taken his time. He leaned against the side of the boulder, giving the ogres a disapproving stare. The leader of the ogres sat up slowly, rubbing his jaw. He froze at the sight of Matthew, and dread blossomed on his face.

            “Incompetence,” Matthew frowned, “Pure incompetence.”

            The ogres began to retreat. They limped, stumbled, and scrambled back the way they had came. Even their leader, after hesitantly eyeing Matthew, got to his feet. He turned on his heel and joined his men in their flight. Rayon followed them without a second thought, bellowing out a challenge and daring them to return. His fists remained balled, and he shook them around above his head.

            The ogres and Rayon disappeared into the woods. Slowly, steadily, silence fell into the clearing. Amber shuffled up to Sara, holding her little girl tightly.

            “We’d best be going home now,” Amber said, “Thank you for all your help.”

            “Alek!” Eva called out. He turned his head to look at her. Eva held out her violet, which she had clenched throughout the whole escapade, “I want you to have this.” Alek took it.

            “What do you say, Alek?” Sara asked. Alek blushed.

            “Thank you,” he said.

            “Oh, curses,” Matthew said abruptly, “I just remembered a final paper that’s due tomorrow! I have to go.”

            With that, Matthew turned on his heel and disappeared. Amber nodded to Sara, and then followed him at a steady pace. Eva was in her arms. Eva looked over her mother’s shoulder, waving gleefully at Alek. Alek waved back.

            Rayon stumbled back out of the woods. He brushed himself off, grinning like a madman. Sara approached him.

            “Did they leave?” Sara asked. Rayon nodded.

            “They’ll think twice before they come here again,” Rayon said, “Is Alek all right?” he paused, “Hey, where’d Amber and what’s-his-bucket go?”

            “Matthew remembered an assignment and had to leave,” Sara replied, “And Amber had to get her daughter home.”

            “Darn,” Rayon frowned, “We didn’t get a chance to ask Matthew about the crime ring. I’m sure he knows something, especially if he was doing a thesis on Snake.”

            “We’ll catch him later,” Sara reassured, “Come on, let’s go home.”


            “That was awfully nice of them, rushing out to save Eva,” Amber told Matthew as they walked, “This was a good country to move to.”

            “Yes, I quite like it myself. But… they seem to have issues with hooligans.”

            “Oh, darling,” Amber shifted Eva’s weight to one arm, so she could wave her hand carelessly, “Mr. Hunter dealt with them.”

            Matthew’s mouth pressed into a thin line, “I was talking about Mr. Hunter.”

            Amber chuckled. She hooked her elbow with Matthew’s, and the two walked away.


The end.

AAAAAAAAAAA Why the heck do I have 83 feedback messages?!?! WHAT DID I DO?!

...better go see.

Attack of the Broccoli:
Need a Lift:
Let Me Mow:

Story (c) LadyDeliz.
© 2014 - 2024 LadyDeliz
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Xovinx's avatar
I'm still suspicious. Despite his scholarly papers and academy work. There's that little nagging fact that those ogres seemed altogether more knowledgeable of him then anyone else, and were frightened.
Eva's adorable, though. :)