
Mind the Tea (part one)

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            Rayon and Sara strolled through the village together, hand in hand. A warm, soft breeze blew through the streets, tossing their hair and clothing gently. Spring had finally arrived. Flowers were beginning to blossom, and the snows had finally moved on. Little green buds were sprouting throughout the woods. An unique energy flowed through the village, making everyone abandon their fireplaces and step out into the world again.

            In Sara’s free hand was a slip of paper. She inspected it, “Hmmm…”

            “Well?” Rayon asked.

            “Tea, bread, milk, eggs, fruit, and vegetables,” Sara said, “We have enough soap to last until next week, so I didn’t bother with that. Oh, but Alek does need sandals. His are too small, and with summer coming, he’ll need a pair.”

            “Sure. We’ll put some money aside for that,” Rayon looked around the village, “And while you shop for groceries, I’ll be looking for something else.”

            Sara frowned, “I think you should at least get Nessah or Panthan to accompany you. This isn’t just one villain, it’s a whole band of them.”

            “It’s all right, Sara,” Rayon smiled reassuringly, “I took out like, twelve ogres this morning.”

            “Twelve?” Sara questioned.

            “Welllll okay, maybe it was more like seven,” Rayon shrugged, “And maybe Rozar was with me.”

            “Oh, look,” Sara gestured, “There’s the tea place.”

            Rayon and Sara stepped into one of the shops. It was a small, cramped place, and they were hit by a barrage of fragrances the moment they entered. The shelves were jam-packed with boxes of teas. Free samples were strewn across the counter. Incense burned from one corner of the shop, sending a trail of wispy smoke out the door. Across from the main entrance was a closed door, presumably the back entrance. A man behind the counter looked up idly upon seeing them walk in.

             “Allo,” he said, “What cen I do for yah?”

            Rayon took in a whiff of incense, and then staggered away with his hands over his nose. Sara smiled kindly.

            “I’d like a box of herbal blueberry tea, please,” Sara said, “And… hmmm… I wouldn’t mind trying something new as well,” she looked around at the many teas, “I’m not sure which, though. Could you make a recommendation?”
            “Aye!” the man said. He reached beneath the counter, and producing a box. He held it up, “I ‘av a new kind here. Just arrived th’s mornin’. It’s vanilla-coconut, and imported right from a local island. Ya cen taste the sea with every sip.”

            “The sea?” Sara brightened.

            “Aaaaand sold,” Rayon murmured.

            That Evening…

            Darkness was falling when Rayon and Sara returned to the castle. They piled the groceries on the kitchen table. The first thing Sara pulled from the bags was her vanilla-coconut tea. She pried open the box, peering inside. She smiled.

            “They smell glorious,” Sara said, pulling out one of the bags. Rayon began to sort the food from the other bags, putting everything away in its proper place.

            “Eh. I never liked tea,” Rayon replied, “Do you know what I could go for?”


            “Fruit,” Rayon tossed an apple idly into the air. He caught it, and then took a massive bite out of it. He grinned at her, apple juice trickling down his chin, “Mmmm.”

            “Tea has fruit in it,” Sara said, “Here, I’ll prove it. I’ll make a cup of this tea, and you can try it!”

            Rayon scoffed, “Men don’t drink tea.”

            “Gentlemen do,” Sara replied.

            “Do I detect a burn in the area?!” Sandra exclaimed from the next room. Rayon closed the door. Sara laughed and set about making the tea.

            A Bit Later…

            “There, I put Alek and Melody to bed,” Sara said, “And Sandra is absorbed in some new project. So now we can drink our tea like proper folk. It should be done steeping by now.”

            “I guess it smells good,” Rayon admitted. He sat down in one chair, and Sara sat down across from him. She pulled the bag from the tea, putting it down on a napkin. She swirled her spoon around in the tea, taking in a deep sniff.

            A cold chill went down Rayon’s spine. He straightened abruptly, looking around with a frown. Suddenly, he had the aching feeling of impending doom. He absentmindedly clicked his metal arm into place.

            Sara looked up, “Is something wrong, love?”

            “Yes.” Rayon pushed his chair back, standing. He crossed the room, stopping at the window. He peered out at the darkness.

            Sara lifted her spoon to her lips, sipping the tea. She sighed contentedly, “I do taste the ocean.”

            Rayon shook his head, “It’s getting worse. Something is wrong, Sara. I don’t like it.”

            Sara mirrored his frown. She blinked rapidly, as if she was confused. Her spoon slowly lowered to the table.

            “Glory, this one feels bad,” Rayon finally turned, “I don’t even kno- are you okay?”

            Sara’s eyes had shut. She clutched at her forehead with both hands, her jaw clenched. Rayon quickly went to her side, “Sara? Are you okay? Sara?”

            Sara’s eyes shot open. Rayon jumped. Her pupils had vanished utterly, and her eyes held a sickly green sheen. She started blankly at the far wall, her mouth open. Rayon waved his hand in front of her face, looking worried.

            “Sara, Sara, answer me.”

            “Rrrraaaayoonnn,” Sara hissed, speaking slowly. Her voice was laced with poison, “Yooou shooooulld noooot haaaave soooougghtt aaaffteeer uusssss.”


            Sara slammed him with a water blast. Rayon was picked up off the ground and knocked, back-first, into the far wall. He let out a surprised gasp, the air momentarily knocked from his lungs. He fell to the floor, landing roughly on his rear.

            “Sara?!” Rayon choked out. He jumped up, leaning against the wall for support, “What was that for??”

            She flicked her hand across the table’s surface. The table was caught up and swept away to the side, skittering across the floor. It smashed into the stove with a bang. The force of it knocked the tea cup from the table, and it landed on the floor with a crash. Glass scattered across the floor.

            Her path now cleared, Sara started towards Rayon. She lifted her hands, power gathering around each. Rayon shrunk back, petrified. She lifted her hands above her head, the power of the ocean swirling about her fingertips. He lifted his metal arm defensively, trying to shield himself.

            “Sara?” Rayon cried, “No, please, Sara! Sara!”

            Sandra looked up upon hearing a loud thud. She frowned.

            “That can’t be good,” she said.

            The Following Morning…

            Sandra was alarmed when she woke up. In the first few seconds of her consciousness, she realized three things. First, the ceiling above her head was not the ceiling that belonged to her bedroom. Two, she wasn’t lying in her bed, but on a couch. Three, she was most definitely not in Heroicits anymore.

            Sandra sat up abruptly, “Huh?!” she looked around. She saw an unlit fireplace in front of the couch. The walls had a gentle yellow tint to them, warm and soothing. There was a flight of stairs behind her, heading up to the second floor.

            “Don’t panic!” said a female voice, “It’s okay! You’re safe here!”

            Sandra blinked, “Oh… hi, Snow.”

            Snow Wildsom came to a stop beside the couch. She smiled kindly, “It’s all right. You probably don’t remember how you got here, do you? Last night was sort of a blur.”

            “Did I get hurt?” Sandra pulled the blankets back, swinging her legs over the edge of the couch. She sat up. She felt okay, but that didn’t mean she had been entirely safe from harm. “Is that why I’m waking up here?”

            “No,” the corners of Snow’s mouth turned down a little, “There was an emergency. Rayon brought you, Alek, and Melody here late last night. We’re only barely learning why. He was a little battered, and it’s difficult to get a straight answer out of people when it’s almost midnight.”

            “Only… us?” Sandra asked, “What about Sara?”

            Snow outright frowned, a deeply worried frown that made dread blossom in Sandra’s stomach. Snow turned slightly, “Perhaps we should go talk to Rayon.”

            Rayon and Nessah were in the next room. This room was Snow’s office. There was a massive wooden desk shoved against one wall. It overflowed with papers. Other paper-filled containers were spread across the opposite wall, including a filing cabinet and shelves. Rayon was sitting in a chair in front of the desk. Nessah stood a foot away. They were, to Sandra’s surprise, actually acting civilized.

            “Rayon?” Sandra asked, “What happened?” He looked up at her, melancholy.

            “Sara’s been possessed by something,” Rayon said, “I don’t know what. She spoke with a new voice, and her eyes were gone. She tried to blast me with her magicks, and would’ve succeeded if I hadn’t dodged.”

            “Oooh…” Sandra winced, “So you brought us here.”

            “I lost my head. All I did was grab my kids and run,” Rayon stared at the ground, “I should’ve tried to help her.”

            “No, it’s all right,” Nessah reassured, “You made the right choice. Sara is extremely powerful. The first thing to do was get the little ones to safety. Then we can assess the situation.”

            “I guess I can see the wisdom in coming here,” Sandra said, “You guys,” nodding to Nessah and Snow, “You’re professionals.”

            “Awww, thank you,” Snow blushed, “I promise, we won’t let you down. Do you have any idea what allowed the possession to take hold? What was she doing right before it hit?”

            Rayon looked up suddenly, “Tea. She was drinking a new kind of tea. I’d never even heard of it before.”

            “Where did you get the tea?” Nessah asked.

            The Heroicits Village…

            The tea merchant was sweeping the porch of his shop. He looked idly down the road, marveling on how lovely the day way. He paused as his eyes strayed to the crowd of people. He saw, through the sea of bobbing heads, as Nessah and Rayon walked down the street.

            Uh oh.

            The merchant stored his broom away and disappeared into the shop. He fled to the back entrance, skittering across the floor. He seized the door, flinging it open.

            “A storm is coming!” he hissed, “Mind the tea!”

            There was a group of five or six men sitting in the alleyway behind the shop. Upon hearing his cries, they all jumped up without a word and scattered. The men disappeared into the village.

            The merchant spun back to the counter. Quickly, sloppily, he began to collect up all his money and most valuable merchandise. He nearly tripped over his own feet in his haste. He stumbled towards the back entrance.

            Rayon tackled him. There was an abrupt crash as he slammed the man onto the floor. Down plummeted the merchant, hitting the floor abruptly. Rayon had a firm hold around his legs, just below the knee. He kept the man from escaping, though he could do little to stop the frantic kicking that ensued.

            “Let go!” shouted the merchant, “Let go!”

            “What happened to your accent?” Rayon asked suspiciously, “You sound different now.”

            Nessah stepped carefully around them. He went to the back entrance, looking out. Nessah squinted into the alleyway behind the shop.

            “There was someone here,” Nessah said. He stepped down two wooden steps, looking up and down the alley, “I think they just left.”

            “What was in the tea you sold us?” Rayon demanded of the merchant. He scrambled to his feet, rising above the merchant. He stooped again, only to grab the man by the lapels, “What was it?”

            “Eheh…” the merchant said nervously, “Coconut, and… vanilla…?”

            “That spell is far too complicated for a mere merchant to do,” Rayon said, “There has to be a second party.” He looked up, “Nessah, are you seeing any tracks, or secret doors, or anything?”

            When Rayon looked away, the merchant saw his chance. He abruptly sucker-punched Rayon, his fist meeting Rayon’s chin with a loud crack. Rayon felt his teeth rattle from the blow. He went reeling with surprise. The merchant jumped up, but Rayon grabbed his right sleeve.

            “No you don’t!” Rayon shouted. His claws extracted to give him a firmer grip. Unfortunately, the fabric was not intended to withstand the claws of a lion. There was a moment of resistance, and then the sleeve ripped open. It burst open, a large tear appearing between the elbow and shoulder. Rayon’s claws snagged a loose thread, becoming tangled within.

            It was then that Rayon saw the man’s upper arm. There, just below the shoulder, was a tattoo. The tattoo was a green snake. Rayon stared at it for a minute, blinking. He looked rapidly between the man’s face and the tattoo.

            “I’ve seen that tattoo before,” Rayon realized, “But someone else had it. In the exact same spot.” He beat his free hand off his head, “Of course! Of course! I found the crime ring!”

            “Crime what?” Nessah stepped back in with a deep frown, “What crime ring?”

            “Oh right,” Rayon grinned sheepishly, “Forgot to tell you. I somehow managed to tick off an entire crime ring.”

            “What?!” Nessah cried, “Well thanks for keeping me in the loop!”

            The merchant was still trying to escape. Rayon grabbed him, spinning him around so that Nessah could see the tattoo, “I think I just found the first clue.”

            “Let go of me!” the merchant cried, “I demand you release me at once!”

            “So it was the crime ring that planted the spell for Sara,” Nessah said. He eyed the merchant, “Do you have the antidote?”

            “If you do not release me at once,” the man hissed, “My people will be forced to take action.”

            “Please,” Rayon rolled his eyes, “Nessah and I aren’t afraid of your little ballerina club.”

            “Oh?” the man asked shiftily, “Because you should be.”

            The front door was whipped open. It slammed into the wall with a loud clatter, knocking many teas from the shelves around it. There, standing in the doorway, was Sara. Her eyes still held the green tint. She lifted her hands, power gathering around her fingers. Rayon and Nessah both tensed.

            The merchant sneered at Rayon, “You should not have sought after us.”

            Nessah suddenly unsheathed two blades. He crossed them warily, planting either foot firmly on the ground. He stared Sara down. Rayon, upon seeing Nessah produce weapons, became visibly distressed.

            “No, no!” Rayon exclaimed, “Don’t!”

            “I promise I won’t hurt her,” Nessah said, “This is in case of-“

            Sara slammed Nessah with a water blast. Nessah deflected with his blades, taking the brute force of it with his swords. Water sprayed in all directions, splattering outwards. Nessah slid back an inch or two, but largely held his ground. He was unharmed from her blast.

            “I’ve fought mages before,” Nessah cast a sideways look at Rayon, “Don’t think I’m unprepared. I was the companion character back during the years when we were in contact with Lady Massena.” He shook his head, “She had so many mages.”

            Rayon considered this for a moment. Then, his eyes widened, “Look out, she’s using both hands now!”

            Nessah was knocked off his feet from a second, more powerful blast. He slammed into a shelf back-first, shattering a dozen teacups and pots. His teeth clenched tight as a steel trap. Rayon winced.

            “I’ll distract her!” Rayon exclaimed, “Nessah, find some sort of antidote.”

            “There is no antidote here,” hissed the merchant, “And don’t go looking for any samples of the tea, either. I only had one box.”

            “And that box is now at my home,” Rayon finished. The merchant paused.

            “Snow is a woman of science,” Nessah pried himself from the shelf, his boots crunching through several layers of colorful glass, “If we have the tea, she can use it to make a cure.”

            “If,” the merchant said, “You can escape her.”

            Sara slashed at them with a sharp blast of water. Rayon instinctively released the merchant, in order to leap out of the way. The merchant ducked beneath the blast, and Rayon dodged to the side, so no one was hit. However, there was a sharp crack as it hit the floorboards of the shop. Splinters and chips of wood went flying into the air as the blast met the floor.

            “Nessah! Get going! Find that tea!” Rayon exclaimed.

            Nessah hesitated, and then slipped out the back entrance. There was a soft thump as he hit the ground outside, and began to sprint away. The merchant scrambled back behind the counter, hiding from Sara. That left only Rayon and Sara in the middle of the floor. She turned her empty gaze to him.

            Rayon slowly dropped into a fighting stance. He rocked back and forth on his knees, ready to spring into action. Sara gathered her energies, magic swirling all about her. She lifted her hands above her head, preparing another blast.

            “Whatever happens,” Rayon said, “I still love you.”

            Sara attacked.




To be continued.

Part Two:

Ring of Thieves:
Rayon and Sara:
Cherry Punch:

Story and characters (c) 2014 LadyDeliz.
© 2014 - 2024 LadyDeliz
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